Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wanted to share some reader comments -

My website has been up for less than a week and the comments for Someone Like Me are coming in from around the country. I am so moved by the outpouring of emotion that I wanted to share a few of the wonderful emails I have received -

"...I have a mild case of CP. I am awed by you. I have done a lot in my life, but never dreamed of joining any military organization. I did not think it was possible. I know that you must have faced great challenges. In our lives we face great adversity. I found a role model in you. Thank you for sharing your story. I eagerly anticipate reading it. I have emailed friends, family, and the entire staff at the school I work at as a teacher aid. The librarian already plans to purchase it for the school library. Everyone needs to read your story. The impossible is now possible for all..."

"...I look forward to reading it and passing it along to my 19 yr old niece who has CP..."

"...I am very much looking forward to the release of your book. My older sister (age 36) has Cerebral Palsy, and although it was not me with the condition…I too have the taunts and laughter running through my head that she endured for a couple of decades. I remember her coming home in tears, always being last in track in field races, longing to dance ballet but never progressing past the beginning level classes even at age 13…difficulties getting complicated clothes on, the last to be picked for group activites—the list goes on. I read the first chapter of your book here at work (my sister sent me the link) and I have all these emotions I can’t express…but I want you to know I am so pleased you wrote this book, I can’t wait to read it, and I do believe it will have a huge impact on people with muscular disorders and there families who have been ostracized and outcasts..."

"...Some people want to "say something" and never reach the hearts of others. Their words locked in silence except for times proven of their ignorance and unlearned behavior. And then, there are people like YOU who have "something to say". Open up a world of knowledge, feed the wise and pour out words of encouragement. Not just for the individual walking in the same shoes as yours, but also for those like me who deal with other health issues, equally deserving of thoughtful guidance by your incredibly powerful and loving spirit. Your story so far has inspired me to write more music and I can’t wait to read the book to complete my scores..."

Simply wonderful.

Stay strong - John

First Book Endorsement!

Hi everyone. Wanted to let you in on some exciting news. The University of Michigan is going to endorse my book! I received an email from the Departmental Chair of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation who made this generous offer. The U of M had conducted a ground breaking study which focused on cerebral palsy in adults for which I was a participant. I am humbled by the endorsement of such a fine institution. Go Blue!

Keep charging! John

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Welcome to my Website!

Welcome and thanks for stopping by! I sure do appreciate you taking the time to visit.

My name is John Quinn and I have written my memoir titled Someone Like Me - An Unlikely Story of Challenge and Triumph over Cerebral Palsy. It is going to be published by History Publishing Company in 2010 and I couldn't be more excited! Don't know the exact release date of the book yet, but I will post that information here as soon as I get it.

Feel free to shoot me a line, write me a letter or follow my adventures on Facebook or Twitter. I look forward to hearing from you!
Keep charging!

ps - Don't I look sharp as a 4 year old? Love the scuff marks on those "special shoes".