Monday, September 21, 2009

Already Changing Lives...

My book, Someone Like Me isn't even out yet and already it's changing lives. The following is from Edward A. Hurvitz, M.D. Associate Professor and Chair, James Rae Collegiate Professor who heads up the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Michigan. Dr. Hurvitz writes:

"When is the last time that you read a book and it changed the way you think? When is the last time that a book led to a change in how you conducted yourself in your career? “Someone Like Me, An Unlikely Story of Challenge and Triumph over Cerebral Palsy” by John Quinn did that for me.

I have been treating individuals with cerebral palsy for over 20 years at the University of Michigan. I am a Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist, and I speak to families with children who have cerebral palsy about all aspects of their lives including movement, language, education, and their child’s future. Over the years, many of my patients have stayed with me as they grew into adulthood, and they present now with new and different problems.

There are hundreds of thousands of adults with cerebral palsy in the United States. Many, like John, live and work side by side with their non-disabled peers, overcoming challenges on a daily basis. Although cerebral palsy does not get worse, the effects it has on the body tend to increase with age. Pain is a common complaint, limiting mobility and the ability to perform functional tasks. Muscle tightness, early joint arthritis, and other medical problems interfere more with life as the person ages. These problems can also limit physical activity, which then leads to more pain, muscle and joint complications. Adults with cerebral palsy also face difficulties getting proper medical care since so few specialists have, until recently, been interested in their health issues. Pediatric specialists only want to see children, and adult specialists do not have adequate information about cerebral palsy.

Based on the potential for the problems noted above, one standard of care for teens and young adults with cerebral palsy was to advise them to seek careers and lifestyles that would not challenge them physically. I always taught students and resident physicians to counsel them about computer work and other sedentary, less active careers combined with mild to moderate exercise. I did not meet John Quinn as a teen, but if I had, I could imagine myself saying something like, “After all, John, you are not exactly cut out for the Navy Seals!”

“Someone Like Me, An Unlikely Story of Challenge and Triumph over Cerebral Palsy” has opened my eyes to a new horizon for individuals with cerebral palsy. As a rehabilitation physician, my goal has always been to open doors and increase opportunities for young people with disabilities. However, I see that I have not advised my patients to push the horizon enough. Thanks to John Quinn, I now know that given determination, bravery and desire, much more is possible for my patients than I could imagine before. This book is a must for every physician, therapist, and other caregiver that treats individuals with cerebral palsy or any other disability. It also is a must for every young person who ever looked at a goal and thought it was just out of reach. Perhaps he or she should look again.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Luck of the Irish?

My publisher, History Publishing Company informs me that they are targeting 17 March 2010 as the release date for my book! As an Irishman whose last name is Quinn, I take that as a great omen because of course its St. Patrick's Day! So mark your calendars, shine up that four leaf clover and be one of the first in line to purchase Someone Like Me on St. Patrick's Day, 2010!

May the road rise up to meet you - John